M&A Integration Processes and Issues

The principle of M&A is to make sure that you don’t devalue value, so you need to take the time to develop your processes and prepare for when things go wrong. I’ve discovered that the most prevalent issues are people-related – how they react to change, how they resist it and what they do if things don’t go as planned.

One of the most important services we offer our clients is to assist them in setting an approach that will allow them to identify possible issues early and react quickly to www.reising-finanz.de/why-is-ma-integration-increasingly-critical-for-every-company-or-organization/ them. This can be done by holding a weekly IMO meeting and functional work streams to review the progress of the process and escalate issues and risks to the SteerCo.

Once the procedure for tackling problems is established, it’s important to focus on the execution. This means ensuring that everyone knows what they’re expected to accomplish, how that will be evaluated, and when. It’s also about clearly defining accountability (i.e. ownership of the final outcome) and decision making authority across the entire integrated business.

It’s essential to ensure that the CEO and senior management can devote at 90% of their time focusing on core business concerns and avoid getting distracted by integration tasks. It is an ideal idea to select an executive who will manage the Decision Management Office and coordinate work streams. This person may be from the acquired company or be a rising star within the merged organization who has the support of their boss.

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