How to Write a Winning Grant Proposal for Your Small Business

how to write a grant for a small business

The project description section is the main section of your grant proposal. This section is written best by separating different issues and ideas in separate sections. This will make it easier for you to write the section by focusing on one idea at a time, and make it easier on the reader as well since the section won’t be all scattered. Use this part of the document to convince the grantor that funding your business is the greatest idea ever. Describe how your organization and its mission match the philosophy and specialization of the grantor in the executive summary.

Grant programs receive hundreds to thousands of applications, and this could take months to review before receiving funding approval. While waiting for feedback, you can continue operating and putting together alternative funding options. As mentioned above, federal small-business grants cannot be used for starting a business. Fortunately, plenty of other entities are more than happy to help out in that regard.

Save time by using a document management software

Occasionally, a small business may be eligible to apply as well. Competitive grants, like any grant, are submitted for approval and reviewed by a team of reviewers who make a decision to fund the proposed project or not. It might be easier to secure a local grant than a federal grant offered nationwide. While federal grants can be more appealing—the award is typically larger—local grants are sometimes less competitive. Start your search by looking at locally offered grants, and expand your search as you rule out grants you might be able to apply for through your city, the state and regional levels.

how to write a grant for a small business

That said, the grant writing process can be highly productive. You get to dial in your objectives, methodology, and more, clearly defining what problem you’re addressing, how you will achieve your objectives, and more. Your grant application is the most crucial element of your grant search.

Cover letter

First, identify the decision-makers – those who have the power to approve or reject your request. Then think about what they care about and what their priorities are. The FedEx small business grant, as one would how to write a grant for a small business expect, is available to US-based, for-profit small businesses that have been in operation for a minimum of six months. You can visit the site’s FAQs to learn more about eligibility requirements and more.

how to write a grant for a small business

At its best, a grant proposal must be a persuasive and well-supported argument for change. Not all grant proposals need a cover letter; some, specifically federal or state grant applications, even discourage it. Make sure to double-check if you can attach one before sending it in. Identifying relevant opportunities, building collaborations, and crafting a comprehensive grant proposal are crucial steps.

Why is collaboration important to the grant process?

If you’re interested in learning more about our leasing program, our team will be happy to provide you with more details. Contact us and let us know how we can help with your leasing needs. In some cases, that grant funding was available to use to lease lab equipment.

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